What do I do when the math equation in my life doesn't add up? When the addition of the tasks + jobs + needs + requirements is greater than my strength?
Well, this morning, when I was feeling as if the flood would win, I went to the Word. (Confession: while I have been feeling overwhelmed for several days, I had not done much of this one simple step)
And this is what I was met with:
The Lord sat as King at the flood;Wow.
Yes, the Lord sites as King forever.
The Lord will give strength to His people;
The Lord will bless His people with peace.
~Ps 29: 10,11
God sits as King in the middle of my flood too. In the flood of my emotions. In the flood of my fears. In the flood of my activities. In the flood of my tasks.
God sits as King.
And as He sees me struggling and striving to survive, He does not scold me or look away or laugh.
No. He gives me strength. And He blesses me.
So what's a girl to do when she is feeling worn out and not up to the flood that surrounds her?
Go to the Word.
Every. Single. Time.
Because there I meet my King Who will give me strength.
Because when I am weak, He is strong. (II Cor 12:10)
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