...running the course God sets before us, no matter the cost, no matter the task, to the end, for His glory

Friday, March 4, 2011

A Little of THIS

Sometimes I read something and it almost feels like the scales are falling off my eyes.  That is one reason I love words so much.  Revelation is communicated in words.

I was on another Mom's blog the other day and that exact thing happened. I don't have the exact quote, but the main point of the writer was that the Lord loved her so much and that He desired relationship with her so much.  And so He had given her the relationship that she was writing about to accomplish that goal.

Wait a minute.  You mean it isn't ultimately about the earthly whatever is happening?  It is actually about us and the Lord?

Ah. Wow.  It is the THIS of life.  THIS is what He uses to draw us.  Whatever is happening.  Whoever is there.  Whenever it occurs.  We get so caught up in the what, that we forget the WHY.  The WHY of the THIS.

As in, "THIS is what I have for you My child.  And it is so you will know Me better."

THIS.  THIS can mean lots of things.

As I pondered THIS I started thinking about some things:
  • First, what a privilege that the God of the universe desires a relationship with me.  
  • Second, if God loves me so much that He desires a relationship with me and is willing to use anything to have a deeper relationship with me, then
    • what is the THIS He using in my life?
    • and I am learning from it and drawing near to Him or I am rather becoming confused and frustrated and drawing away from Him?
So what is He using in my life?  What is He using in yours?  If I can look at everything in my life as simply a means of deepening my relationship with my Father, wouldn't that transform and redeem EVERY situation? Every THIS?

This deepest of deep relationships has always been God's heartcry.
"you will be My people, and I will be your God." (Ezekiel 36:28) 
Over and over in the Old Testament God states that His desire is for His people to identify with Him and follow Him with their whole heart.

But honestly, some of the places He calls me, I am not sure I want to go.  Sometimes it is hard to see how where He is leading me will accomplish this goal.  The way looks hard, and difficult, and even potentially painful.

Dale Tagett asks on The Truth Project, " What if I really believed, what I really believed was really real?"

What if I really believed that everything in my life would draw me closer to my Lord and that everything and everyone in my life were simply catalysts toward a deeper and more intimate relationship with my Heavenly Father?

Is there anything I wouldn't endure?

Is there anyone I wouldn't love on?

Is there anywhere I wouldn't go?

If I really, really believed it?  Really?

THIS relationship, THIS circumstance, THIS shortfall, THIS struggle, THIS sickness, THIS heartbreak.

All of THIS is available to draw me nearer.

And therefore, all of THIS is completely and absolutely worth it.  It is not to be avoided.  It is not to be pushed away.

Instead I could look at any and all of THIS as a door.  With Jesus on the other side.  Calling me to go higher up and further in.

John 10:9,10:  I am the door. If anyone enters through mehe will be saved, and will come in and go out, and find pasture.  I have come so that they may have lifeand may have it abundantly.

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