...running the course God sets before us, no matter the cost, no matter the task, to the end, for His glory

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

How to Have "More"!

There are two ways to get enough.
One is to continue to accumulate more and more.
The other is to desire less.

-G.K. Chesterton

"Make $10,000 a month from your home!"

"Play the lotto!"

"Join my team selling _____(vitamins, cleaning products, etc.)"

You will get rich!
And have everything you ever wanted!
And be happy!
And have everything you ever wanted!
And have money!
And have everything you ever wanted!


Can we really ever have everything we want?

Is there ever an end to the stuff we can want?

Once we get one of the things we want, don't we just tend to want something else?

In America it seems we are surrounded by so much stuff.  So many opportunities to buy more stuff. So many claims to our wallets and our cash (or our credit cards).

But when I ran across the quote above from one of my favorite Englishmen, G.K. Chesterton, I was struck by the succinct way he stated the most obvious of truths.

There are two ways to get enough.
One is to continue to accumulate more and more.
The other is to desire less.

-G.K. Chesterton

OH. Oh, I get it. To have more, I need to want less.

Truly, the only reason it doesn't seem like I have enough is because of the mental list of things that I have rolling through my mind of what I want but can't afford to buy.

That list makes me feel like I Don't Have Enough.

But if I didn't want any of it.....

Then I would have enough.  Right now.  With what I have.  With what is in cupboard.  With what is in the closet.  With what is in the garage.

Right now.

ENOUGH.  Enough. enough.

Whew.  I feel better already.

Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, 
being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, 
Heb 13:5

So, do you want to join me?  You want to have more?  Then want less!

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